Alles selbst eingescannt aus alten Zeitschriften.

Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2015

Schöne Mädchen, Blumen und Ferien (1996)

Schöne Mädchen, Blumen und Ferien: Der rumänischer Rapper Neag (17) will später vielleicht auch mal was in dieser Richtung studieren. Oder was mit Medien. Hauptsache kreativ  – und wenn möglich in Englisch.

4 Kommentare:

  1. So viele Angaben zur Person, da muss man doch mehr rausfinden können.
    Neag scheint mit der Anzeige erfolg gehabt zu haben. Auch, wenn es inzwischen Kriselt zwischen ihm und Janine:

  2. In America, everyone is entitled to an opinion, and it is certainly useful to have a few when a pollster shows up. But these are opinions of a quite different roder from eighteenth- or nineteenth-century opinions. It is probably more accurate to call them emotions rather than opinions, which would account for the fact that they change from week to week, as the pollsters tell us.

  3. Think about whether it’s better to succumb to the positive influence of ideas from the books of great people, instead of wasting time on completely useless, albeit enjoyable, things like computer games.

  4. Life is still better than University. In school, your teacher is the fruit picker and you are the open fruit basket. Then you take those fruits and make cakes and pies. But life is going to give you the chance to go out there and pick those fruits yourself. Then you can eat them, or make them into something else; any which way, your own hands picked them!


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